Spotlight on: Roger Labotzki (Sales Representative)

Roger, the newest member of La Familia, will invest all his experience from over 20 years in retail in our entrepreneurial development as a sales representative. Having met Roger on the customer side four years ago, our CTO Stefan and myself were finally able to convince him to switch sides. We wholeheartedly welcome Roger to the team and for those who don't know Roger yet, we have put together a few questions. #Welcome

How would you describe the current situation in the inpatient sector?
The situation has neither gotten better nor worse. The challenges have changed. External influences such as Covid and Co. came very quickly, and retailers and the food service industry simply haven't had the time to adapt. Of course, we still feel that today.

You come to our team from the customer side, so to speak. What convinced you to switch sides?
What convinced me were the people and the idea. We have known each other for more than 4 years and the journey so far has been breathtaking. Now I can finally be part of it. Seriously. I think something needs to change in the search and decision process. There are hundreds of KPIs added and the complexity is increasing daily. I strongly believe that we can only solve this with the right software, as an important building block in decision processes.

What are the biggest opportunities in the market right now?
Simple: Ask the right questions and evaluate the answer you get. The one who does things differently will get an advantage over the competition. A simple example is the topic "location and frequencies". Everyone wants to have the highest frequency at the location and pays incredible rents for it. But the customer does not come to the city anymore. What now? We work more at home and are more likely to be in the neighborhood than in the city. What is the answer? Dear retailer, please come to me, because I no longer come to you in the city center.

How can you tap into this potential?
You have to be willing to ask disruptive questions. It must be clear to everyone that he/she is talking to customers as a community. The customer or guest has to be a fan. I can only repeat myself: the variables are increasing and the potential is huge. But this is only possible with digital solutions - like exactly us in online retail.

How can WHATALOCATION help you to take the next step?
We have created one of the best platforms for the next step and bring all departments together.

Data-driven decisions or gut feelings?
There will always be both and I would translate building feelings with: "I have a thought here ...". "Can we push this onto the platform and simulate it?

Place to be for a good coffee?
Tough question. In my neighborhood, it's 19grams or Passenger.

What are your expectations in working with WHATALOCATION?
I want to turn our customers into fans.

You have three wishes ...
Coffee, please, now! I'll save the other two ...

If you had to motivate the whole industry in one sentence, you would ...
Combine the best of two worlds - online+offline. Stay in the here and now and focus on your customer!

Spotlight on: Roger Labotzki (Sales Representative)


Roger Labotzki
Sales Representative